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Woman in Science: presentation of ASEICA Mujer in Bilbao

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Oct 2019

ASEICA Mujer – Spanish Association for Cancer Research (ASEICA)

We are glad to support and participate in the presentation and first event of ASEICA-Mujer to promote and enhance the visibility of women scientists in cancer research in Spain.

The event has been organized by Marisol Soengas (CNIO) and Arkaizt Carracedo (CICbiogune). Many thanks for giving us the opportunity to enjoy all the sessions and  participate in the final debate.

Don’t Miss the video with more than 60 woman playing a key role in cancer research:

«ASEICA Mujer presenta la campaña #MujeresLideresCancer en la que trata de “poner cara” a las profesionales que contribuyen a frenar el avance del cáncer. En ella participan referentes en oncología, investigación o divulgación y lo que se pretende es poner de manifiesto la relevancia»