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  • Carolina Cerezo Grant. Sarcoma Association of Galicia (ASARGA). IP: María Mayán. CINBIO. University of Vigo. 2024. €13,000
  • Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON). HORIZON-MSCA-2023-SE-01. Total Budget: 1,311,000.00 €. Extracellular Vesicle Research Exchanges for Advanced Biomarkers and Therapeutics (EVEREST). Project Number: 101183034. 2024 (48 months). Coordinator: Breandan Kennedy. University College Dublin. IPs Consortium: María Mayán And Miguel A. Correas. University of Vigo. CINBIO
  • Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI). Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. PID2022-137027OB-I00. Análisis y validación de la Cx43 en terapia dirigida e inmunomodulación en cáncer metastásico. TARGETCOM. IP: María D. Mayán 2024 – 2026. (208.750 €) and FPI PREP2022-000705 (111.758,00 €). University of Vigo. CINBIO.
  • HORIZON-CSA 101079489. TWINFLAG. Twinning for Promoting Excellence, Ability and Knowledge to develop novel approaches for targeting inflammatory and degenerative age-related joint disease. Coordinator: Eiva Bernotiene. Co-PI: María D. Mayán 400.000€. 2022-2025. 1.500.000 €. University of Vigo. CINBIO
  • IN607A2023/05. Grants from the Program for Competitive Referencd Groups (GRC).Xunta de Galicia. PI: María D. Mayán. 2023-2026. 240.000 €. This grant was not accepted by FPNS due to the PI moving institutions.
  • DTS22/00025. New drugs based on the use of peptides with connexin43 senotherapeutic activity for the treatment of osteoarthritis. ISCIII – PROYECTOS DE DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO EN SALUD. PI: María D. Mayan. 01/01/2023 – 31/12/2024. 2 years. 112.200 € This grant returned by FPNS to ISCII due to PI moving institution
  • AC21_2/00026. Targeting Osteoarthritis with senolytic and anti-inflammatory peptide-loaded nanopharmaceuticals. OASIs. EuroNanoMed. Joint Transnational Call for Proposals (2021) for “European Innovative Research & Technological Development Projects in Nanomedicine”. ISCIII. Coordinator: María De la Fuente. Co-PI: María D. Mayán 91.355 €. (FIDIS, INIBIC, IMC, V-Nano, NIRDTP). 2022-31/12/2024. This project was closed in 2023 by FPNS due to PI moving institution and returned to ISCIII by FPNS.
  • ROCHE. Development of new tools for the implementation of medicine personalized in sarcoma. PI: María D. Mayán, Co-PI: César Serrano. (INIBIC, VHIO). 03/2022- 03/2024. 40.000 €. This grant was returned by FPNS to Roche due to the PI moving institutions.
  • H2020-FET-Open 858014. Production of next generation modulators of pannexins and connexins as novel therapeutics in the treatment of inflammatory, cardiovascular, hepatic and joint diseases. PANACHE. H2020. “Excellent Science” FET Open. PANACHE 858014. Coordinator: Mathieu Vinken. Co-PI: Mayán 488.437,50€. (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Universite de Geneve, INIBIC & Protoqsar 2000 SL). 2020-2024. 3.503.628,75 €. This project was closed in 2023 by FPNS due to PI moving institution and returned to EU-H2020 by FPNS.
  • IN607B2020/12. Grants from the Program for the Consolidation and Structuring of Competitive Research Units. Xunta de Galicia. PI: María D. Mayán. 2020-2022. 90.000 €
  • PI19/00145. Next-generation drugs based on connexin peptidomimetics as novel therapeutic agents to restore tissue regeneration in cartilage and skin. ISCIII. PI: María D. Mayán. 2020-2022. 111.320 €
  • IN854A 2019/13. Hybridization of biotechnology 4.0 tools for the accelerated development of new formulations. Programa Industrias do futuro 4.0. GAIN. Consellería de Industria. Xunta de Galicia. Company Coordinator: Hijos de Rivera. CellCOM- María D. Mayán. (Hijos de Rivera & INIBIC). 2019-2022. 2.123.782,87 €
  • COST|CA17103. Delivery of RNA therapy. COST | European Cooperation in Science and Technology. Coordinator (chair): Virginia Arechavala Gomeza. Co-PI: María D. Mayán. (Biocruces Bizkaia Health Research Institute & INIBIC). 2018-2021.
  • ED431E 2018/03. Center of Advanced Scientific Research (CICA) & Institute of Biomedical Research of A Coruña (INIBIC). Xunta de Galicia. Grants for the creation, recognition and structuring of strategic groups of the Galician University System. Coordinator: Jaime Rodríguez. Co-PI: María D. Mayán. 2018-2021. 545.000 €
  • PRIS 2019. Third Pre-Commercial Development Program. Composition for the treatment of negative side effects of chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy. OncoLiTIC. Product development support. PI: Mayan. ACIS. SERGAS. XUNTA DE GALICIA. 2019. 10.000 €
  • PRIS 2019. Third Pre-Commercial Development Program. Novel senolytic compounds for the treatment of age-associated degenerative diseases, SenAGE. Market study and positioning. PI: Mayan. ACIS. SERGAS. XUNTA DE GALICIA. 2019. 12.000 €
  • Services and consulting. Hijos de Rivera. Estrella Galicia. PI: María D. Mayán. 2019. 9.500 €
  • IN607B 2017/21. Grants from the Program for the Consolidation and Structuring of Competitive Research Units. Xunta de Galicia. PI: María D. Mayán. 2017-2019. 90.000 €
  • PI16/00035. Involvement of connexin 43 and its pseudogen in tissue repair. New therapeutic agents. ISCIII. PI: María D. Mayán. 2017-2019. 79.255 €
  • ED431D 2017/23. Red de Cáncer Colorectal. Xunta de Galicia. PI: Alejandro Pazos. Co-PI: Mayán. 2016-2019. 120.000 €
  • FIDIS collaboration agreement. Development of new therapeutic strategies in tissue regeneration. PI: María D. Mayán. Since 2018. 73.000 €
  • FEIOMM2016. Mechanisms of tissue regeneration in articular cartilage. Role of the connexin 43 in tissue regeneration. Fundación Española de Investigación Ósea y del Metabolismo Mineral. PI: María D. Mayán. 2016-2018. 6.000 €
  • AGRUP2015/05. Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (CICA) and Institute of Biomedical Research of A Coruña (INIBIC). Xunta de Galicia. Grants for the creation, recognition and structuring of strategic groups of the Galician University System. Coordinator: Jaime Rodríguez. Co-PI: María D. Mayán. 2015-2018. 500.000 €
  • PI13/00591. Study of the function of connexin43 in human articular chondrocytes: Possible role in development of osteoarthritis and new therapeutic targets. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. PI: María D. Mayán. 01/01/2014-31/12/2016. 64.432,5 €
  • Second Ceremony against cancer (12/27/2015). Funds allocated to our research group by decision of the organizing committee of the event. Several donations: Comunidade de Montes de Xuño in collaboration with S.D. Xuño, ANPA As Furnas, Concello de Porto do Son, Asoc. de Veciños Sartaxas, Asc. Musical Francisco Olveira Santos. PI: Maria D. Mayan. Since 2016. 3.048 €
  • FER2013. Study of the function of connexin channels in human articular chondrocytes: possible involvement in the development of osteoarthritis and search for a therapeutic target. Sociedad Española de Reumatología (Fundación Española de Reumatología). PI: María D. Mayán. 06/11/2013- 06/11/2015. 22.000 €. The Spanish Foundation of Rheumatology awarded 2 FER-Projects at national level whose purpose is to promote research in the field of rheumatology
  • PRECIPITA-2015-000139. Ayúdanos a entender el lenguaje celular y su implicación en el desarrollo de enfermedades. PRECIPITA (FECYT). Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda. PI: María D. Mayán. 01/10/2015. 14.115 €
  • Predoctoral Contract Xunta de Galicia. Beneficiary: Iñaki López Díaz. Xunta de Galicia. CINBIO. University of Vigo. IN606A-2022/036. 2022-2026. 101.000 €
  • Predoctoral Contract Xunta de Galicia. Beneficiary: Alexander Carneiro Figueira. Xunta de Galicia. ICINBIO. University of Vigo. IN606A-2022/038. 2022-2026. 101.000 €
  • Postdoctoral Contract (senior fellowship) Xunta de Galicia. Beneficiary: Marta Varela-Eirín. Xunta de Galicia. Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de A Coruña (INIBIC).IP: Mayán. IN606C-2023/003. 2023-2025. 139.000 €. This contract was maintained in the FPNS. PI moved to CINBIO.
  • Postdoctoral Contract Xunta de Galicia. Beneficiary: Marina Rodriguez-Candela. Xunta de Galicia. Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de A Coruña (INIBIC). IP: Mayán IN606B-2023/012. 2023-2026. 128.500 € This contract was maintained in the FPNS. PI moved to CINBIO.
  • 2023/012. 2023-2026. 128.500 € This contract was maintained in the FPNS. PI moved to CINBIO.
  • Postdoctoral Contract Xunta de Galicia. Beneficiary: Adrián Varela Vázquez. Xunta de Galicia. Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de A Coruña (INIBIC) – Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London, London. IN606B-2022/002. 2022-2025. 128.500 €. This contract was maintained in the FPNS. PI moved to CINBIO
  • EMBO Scientific Exchange Grant. Beneficiary: Amanda Guitián-Caamaño. European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), Cambridge, UK. 2022. 8.000 €
  • Postdoctoral Contract (senior fellowship) Xunta de Galicia. Beneficiary: Paula Carpintero Fernández. Xunta de Galicia. Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de A Coruña (INIBIC). IP: Mayán. IN606C 2021/006. 2021-2024. 139.000 €.
  • Principia Program. GAIN – Xunta de Galicia. Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de A Coruña (INIBIC). IN84C2021/872438. 2021-2022. 10.000 €.
  • EMBO Short-Term Fellowship. Beneficiary: Marina Rodríguez-Candela Mateos. European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), Heidelberg, Germany. 2021. 8.000 €
  • PFIS contract of the 2020 call for the Strategic Action in Health. Beneficiary: Amanda Guitián Caamaño. ISCIII, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. FI20/00310. 2020-2023. 82.400 €
  • Postdoctoral Contract Xunta de Galicia. Beneficiary: Marta Varela Eirín. Xunta de Galicia. Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de A Coruña (INIBIC) – European Research Institute for the Biology of Ageing (ERIBA), Groningen. IN606B-2019/004. 2019-2022. 122.000 €
  • Laboratory internship program. Beneficiary: Alejandro Castro Iglesias. AECC-Asociación Española contra el Cáncer. 2018-01/02/2018.
  • Postdoctoral Contract Xunta de Galicia. Beneficiary: Paula Carpintero Fernández. Xunta de Galicia. Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de A Coruña (INIBIC) – Queen Mary University of London. 2017-P3Y. IN606B 2017/014. 2017-2020. 118.000 €
  • Predoctoral Contract FPU. Beneficiary: Marina Rodríguez-Candela Mateos. Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de A Coruña (INIBIC). FPU15-04237. 2016-2020. 70.000 €
  • Visiting Predoctoral Fellowship (Research grant). Beneficiary: Marta Varela Eirin. INDITEX and Universidade da Coruña (UDC), University College Dublin, Ireland. 2015. 3.000 €
  • Predoctoral Contract Xunta de Galicia. Beneficiary: Marta Varela Eirin. Xunta de Galicia. Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de A Coruña (INIBIC). 2015-P3Y. 2015-2018. 61.500 €
  • Visiting Predoctoral Fellowship (Research grant). Beneficiary: Paula Carpintero Fernández. Fundación Barrié. Yale University, USA. 2014. 7.800 €
  • Research Grant. Beneficiary: Marta Varela Eirin. Deputación da Coruña. 2014. 7.000 €
  • Visiting Predoctoral Fellowship (Research grant). Beneficiary: Raquel Gago Fuentes. INDITEX and Universidade da Coruña (UDC). University of British Columbia, Canada. 2013. 5.937 €
  • Predoctoral Contract Xunta de Galicia. Beneficiary: Raquel Gago Fuentes. Xunta de Galicia. Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de A Coruña (INIBIC). 2012-2015. 67.500 €
  • Research grant CIBER-BBN. Beneficiary: Raquel Gago Fuentes. CIBER-BBN. CB-01-0040. 2011-2012. 7.200 €