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46º SEBBM Conference

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María D. Mayán is the President of the Organizing Comitee of the 46th SEBBM Congress  ( that will take place at the PALEXCO Conference Center in A Coruña from September 3 to 6, 2024. 

During the Congress, we will enjoy a wide range of Plenary Lectures, Symposia, including the Hispanic-Luso Scientific Symposium and the Education Symposium, Meetings of the SEBBM Scientific Groups, Poster Sessions, and the Commercial Exhibition of collaborating companies. We will also enjoy satellite activities such as the Introductory Course on Research in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, the Professional Development Forum for Young Researchers, and Biochemistry activities in the city, featuring exhibitions, scientific-artistic performances, round tables, and scientific workshops. 

The plenary lectures will be delivered by prominent researchers from various areas of biochemistry. The final program will be available on the congress website in a few weeks. The Symposia will present the latest research and will be supported by different companies or foundations. The biochemical societies of Argentina, Mexico, and Chile will be represented by their respective speakers during these conferences, in collaboration with the PABMB.