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Visit of Ángela Nieto to A Coruña

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Sept 2019 Ángela Nieto, National Prize of Science 2019, from Neuroscience Institute of Alicante has visited A Coruña to discuss some common projects in tissue regeneration and cancer. We hope to be able to establish a collaboration with her group soon. We thanks to Eduardo Fonseca for organizing a lovely lunch with Julio Casal (Corbi… Leer más »Visit of Ángela Nieto to A Coruña

Eduardo López-Collazo in INIBIC

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Sept 2019 We have invited to Eduardo Lopez-Collazo researcher and Scientific Director of IdiPAZ in Madrid to give a seminar in INIBIC (CHUAC). We have enjoyed scientific discussions, ideas, his book presentation and his talk at INIBIC and MUNCYT. Thanks again to Julio Casal from Corbi Foundation to help to promote the visibility of science… Leer más »Eduardo López-Collazo in INIBIC

International Gap Junction Conference 2021 to A Coruña!!

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Aug 2019 The Spanish-Portuguese team form by María Mayán (INIBIC, CHUAC), Arantxa Tabernero (INCYL, University of Salamanca), Trond Aasen (Vall d’Hebron Research Institute, VHIR), Henrique Girao (University of Coimbra) and Luis Barrio (IRYCIS, Ramón and Cajal Hospital) has proposed A Coruña as the next venue for the International Gap Junction Conference in 2021. We are… Leer más »International Gap Junction Conference 2021 to A Coruña!!

FET-OPEN «Novel Ideas for Radically New Technologies»

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June 2019 FET OPEN – Horizon2020 The EU H2020 FET-Open establishes multi-disciplinary consortia with the goal of supporting the early-stages of the science and technology research and innovation around new ideas towards radically new future technologies. It also funds coordination and support actions for such high-risk forward looking research to prosper in Europe. This year the… Leer más »FET-OPEN «Novel Ideas for Radically New Technologies»

SEBBM Congress in Madrid

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July 2019 Our group has participated in the SEBBM annual conference in Madrid. Congratulations to Marta! She has presented her work on senescence and tissue regeneration in osteoarthritis in the Proteomics and Genomics Session. She also won a SEBBM Social Network Award. Well done! Many congrats!! Dr. Mayán has participated as Coordinator of the Chemical… Leer más »SEBBM Congress in Madrid

Our research findings in the newspaper

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Dec 2018 Newspapers cover our findings We are very happy to see that our results awakened interest in the society. Only in Facebook the notice accounts more than 5.7K interactions and 3.6K shares in La Voz de Galicia and more than 1.8K and 1.6K shares in GCiencia. It is clear that society wants more science!!… Leer más »Our research findings in the newspaper

IX International Young Investigator Meeting

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Dec 2018 IX International Young Investigator Meeting Thanks to all for participating in the meeting, in special to the speakers and to Xosé Bustelo, Manuel de León, María Pardo, Rafael F. Leiro, David Posada and Sonia Villapol. Thank you to the authorities and special thanks to Isabel Orbe, General Director of Fundación Científica AECC and… Leer más »IX International Young Investigator Meeting

International Gap Junction Conference 2019 in Victoria, Vancouver (Canada)

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Aug 2019 We have presented our results in osteoarthritis and metastatic melanoma in the IGJC2019 in Victoria and we are glad to present and get A Coruña as the next venue for the IGJC in 2021 Marta Varela has presented her work on senescence and tissue regeneration in osteoarthritis and she was selected as one… Leer más »International Gap Junction Conference 2019 in Victoria, Vancouver (Canada)