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New PhD thesis in the group

Dic 14, 2018

Sept 2018 Marta Varela has successfully defended her PhD thesis…

New results published in Cell Death and Disease

Nov 22, 2018

Dec 2018 Targeting of chondrocyte plasticity via connexin43 modulation attenuates…

Seminars INIBIC (CHUAC-XXIAC) and CICA with Marisol Soengas and Lluís Montoliu

Oct 3, 2018

May – Sept 2018 We have enjoyed time with Marisol…

Publication in the main science divulgation journal in Spain.

Oct 3, 2018

March 2018 Publication in the main science divulgation journal in Spain.…

Connexin and pannexin channels in inflammation and cancer

Sep 26, 2018

Sept 2018 Science Xpression 2018 Sixth edition of Science Xpression…

New results published in BBA-Biomembranes

Sep 20, 2018

Sept 2018 Intercellular communication via gap junction channels between chondrocytes…

SEBBM congress in Santander

Sep 14, 2018

Sept 2018 We have actively participated in the SEBBM congress in…

Postdoctoral Research Opportunities

Abr 11, 2018

March 2017 Postdoctoral Researcher: MRC Harwell, Oxforshire, UK We are seeking…

Eppendorf Scientific Prize – SEBBM, FEBS3 AWARDS

Abr 10, 2018

Oct 2017 Best scientific image of the year, FEBS3 AWARDS…

VIII International Young Investigator Meeting

Dic 28, 2017

Dic 2017 VIII International Young Investigator Meeting  INIBIC, UDC, USC and MUNCYT…